Historical Society

Membership Renewal

 Don’t miss a single Newsletter issue!! Re-new NOW!!!


YES I would like to re-new my membership for 2018 now!          

Or  I would like to become a member of the Claybank Brick Plant Historical Society 

Membership is $20 per year for individuals and $30 for household.

Included annually with membership:

Electronic or printed Newsletter,

Free admission to the Claybank Brick Plant National Historic Site,

Hiking access to adjacent Massold Clay Canyons, and

AGM voting privileges!!

All Membership or Donation receipts will be mailed or emailed with our next newsletter or sooner by request.

Payment Methods

Single Membership
Family Membership
If you prefer to send a cheque please download THIS form and email it with your cheque to”
Claybank Brick Plant Historical Society
(306) 868-4774
Box 2-5, Claybank SK Canada
S0H 0W0